
CPD1702 Adult Intravenous Cannulation & Administration Course

Ended 23 Nov 2022

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Full course description

Date: 21st and 22nd November 2022

The aim of this course is to teach radiographers and radiation therapists how to do intravenous cannulation and administration.  The course provides the theoretical background and practical training related to intravenous cannulation and injection of contrast media and radiopharmaceuticals in radiographic examinations. The teaching is based on best practice clinical skills. Education and practical training will take place in UCC's advanced Clinical Skills Department.  The course also features a specially-developed anatomy practical session in UCC's state of the art FLAME Anatomy laboratory.  The course has been fully endorsed by the IIRRT.

There are two components to the course:

  1. Lectures, Demonstrations and Practical Intravenous Cannulation sessions
  2. Workplace clinical training under the guidance of a named supervisor to include a record of clinical practice.​



Following successful completion of the 2-day Intravenous Cannulation and Administration course, course participants must complete the following:

Supervised Practical Assessment

  • Each radiographer who attends the 2-day theoretical Intravenous Administration course must have follow up supervision and assessment in the clinical area by a suitably qualified supervisor.
  • To develop competence the radiographer must be proactive in seeking opportunities to develop their skills.

Professional Accreditation: Irish Institute of Radiographers and Radiation Therapists


Venue: ASSERT Building, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork.


Prior to securing a place on this course it is necessary for the applicant to have the full support of their employer and have written evidence of agreement from the Radiography Services Manager/ Radiation Therapy Services Manager confirming that the employer accepts vicarious liability for the applicant to undertake intravenous cannulation and administrations upon successful completion of this course.

  • The Radiography Services Manager/ Radiation Therapy Services Manager must also organise a named supervisor to guide and monitor the applicant and assess the applicant’s clinical competence in the clinical workplace environment. Evidence of appropriate supervision and achieved competence must be recorded. The designated supervisor must be suitably qualified (i.e a Radiologist/ a senior Radiographer qualified in IV cannulation (IIRRT recognised IV course).
  • The applicant must successfully complete an on-line Intravenous cannulation module prior to attending the course. The certificate of completeness must be produced at the time of registration.