ULC22005 Digital Badge Package ULC22001 (Tuesdays) and ULC22004 (Fridays)
Started 26 Sep 2023
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Full programme description
This Digital Badge Package is delivered online. You can also register for the courses separately (see course pages for ULC22001 and ULC22004).
This is a 5-week course (2 x 2 hour sessions a week = 20 hours in total)
ULC22005 package is delivered online
Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm (Academic Language for Reading & Writing)
Fridays from 2pm-4pm (Academic Language for Speaking & Listening)
For more information on course content, please visit the individual course pages:
ULC22001 - Academic Language for Reading and Writing
ULC22004 - Academic Language for Speaking & Listening
Note: For international students currently on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at UCC, including Erasmus and other visiting students, UCC Language Centre offers a limited number of free-of charge places on these Digital Badge courses. Places on one course per term are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a place, please contact DMoran@ucc.ie.